Blog Surfer

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

You can't eat just one...

Simply Addictive Croutons

Preheat oven to 320 degrees Fahrenheit.

-Break up chunks of a French baguette (fresh or day old) and place in a large bowl.

-Drizzle (or drench) with olive oil.
-Add shredded Parmesan.
-Finish off with some ground cracked pepper.

-Spread out bread mixture on a baking sheet.
-Cook for about ten minutes or golden (be sure not to burn the croutons).

Toss croutons into a salad, sprinkle into a bowl of  tomato soup or enjoy them as a late night snack. Store any extras in a glass container with a lid. Best to finish croutons off within a week. But if you're like me, you'll probably finish them off in a day!

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